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Tuesday 24 September 2013

An Introduction

As a new mom I have been experiencing a lot of firsts this year. This will be one of them.
I am not sure how many readers I will encounter as I begin this little adventure and I suppose it doesn't much matter to me at this point. This blog is more of an experiment, a way to keep track of what I have made and what I am currently working on. This may encourage me to finish projects instead of just starting them, but more likely it will just give me a time line to look back on. There may also be a little healthy venting/ranting from time to time as I share some of my parenting adventures.
I never thought I would be a mom and still find it hard to believe some days. My baby is 5 months old now and fortunately getting more fun and less screamy. We lovingly call him Screaming Hairy Armadillo on those bad days.
Currently all of my crafting has centered around my new little man. He basically dictates all aspects of my life right now and has opened me up to interests I never knew I could have! I have enjoyed knitting and crochet for several years now but never realized how fun it was to make baby items until recently. If anyone does happen by this I would love to know what people think of my projects. Some of them are strictly working of patterns, some are adaptations, and others are my own random creations.
Socktopus socks - sadly only fit for a very short time, I was unprepared for how quickly baby feet grow!

Crochet Monkey from Creepy Cute Crochet book

I decided to make a mobile, I still need to find better cross bars for it as the yarn covered straws just aren't sturdy enough.

Squeaky Companion Cube - because every baby needs a companion to love!

This snake scarf was purely for me. I had started it about 2 years ago and finally finished it when I decided I needed to finish all old projects before starting any new ones.

Ben bug modeling his new pants (now sadly also outgrown)

Crochet carrots anyone?

My own version of an infant hooded towel (made from 1/2  of a normal bath towel and 1/2 of a matching wash cloth)

Can never have too many bibs! This one was made using a Ravelry pattern, I may experiment with the edging and adding a pattern to the main part.

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